Sometimes I think about settling down…
Maybe moving into a nice condo... but then again we
Satelites, a Crater & the Eclips
Selestrial encounters in 2024 It began with one of Elon
Still Fighting the Good Fight.
We are continually impressed and amazed at the crowds attending
A Mobile Make-over
After two years in our rig, it was beyond time
A Creative Phenomenon
People are expressing themselves in unusual ways. And, I don't
Nothing in particular
Nothing in particular
The old ways
When Wade and I travel...(when are we not?) we like
Rosie the RockSnake
This IS a Thing, I guess, for campers. I have
Today in Glacier National Park
A Day Trip Through Glacier National Park and another notch
Time Travel Vegas Wedding
It's like DeJa'Vu, and yet like we have been waiting
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