On our way to Dinosaur UT, we came across a place called Rangely, where archeologists discovered a duck-billed dinosaur remains that still had meat and tendons on the bones.... The muscle tissue is still stretchy, and the cell structure is intact and visible under a microscope.... so my question for the greater at the Dinosaur Monument National Exhibit was, "So, how do you suppose that flesh and tendons stayed so well - preserved after 140 million years?" ...um..."Air pocket?" she said. "But wouldn't it be the air that would have dried out the meat? Just wondering?"
Even if you believe in a young earth, those bones have to be at least a few thousand years old anyway, and I don't know about you, but leftovers dry out in my refrigerator in a matter of weeks... These are the many wonders we discover along our journey.
Here are a few photos. The Dinosaur Monument National Exhibit was particularly interesting because the focal point is a shelter built around an actual dig, where there were hundreds of bones still poking out of the earth, just as they were discovered.

A Hill to Die On
This pile of bones, prompts so many more questions, like "why were so many different types of dinosaurs all gathered together, piled on top of one another?" With not a tar pit in sight... they just spontaneously all decided to climb this hill one day to die on.
If you are curious like me, this video provides at least a few plausible theories.