The Bridges of Fremont County

It was getting late in the day. Too late and too windy to go fish'n, but there might be just enough time for a bike ride with our friends. They took us up this old country rode that used to be a railroad track from Riverton to Shoshone. The rails were gone, but the remnants of some of the old wood ties remained, rotting under our bicycle wheels. Making the bumps on our rumps pretty intense at times. Our dogs running by our side, tongs hanging but spirits souring. (if dogs have spirits, and I think they do) they were as happy as two dogs can be.

Once we reached the bridge, we were half-way. The Wind River was high, muddy and quick. You could see the water raising between the old wood planks that have suffered many repairs through the years. In the distance we could see a fallen tree, root and all, floating down the river toward us. We learned the next day that that log had jammed against the bridge we were standing on, causing obstruction, and flooding. The bridge and bike path are now closed until the weather changes.

As for us and our friends Dawn and Lee Rohn, we had a great time. Always do. No matter what we are doing.

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